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The new resilient automotive supply chain recognizes the need for collective, rather than sequential, risk management; and facilitates collaboration on the new scale that is necessary for survival!

Global volatility is inevitable. For the automotive industry, the impact of supply chain interruption can be severe. DHL Supply Chain’s new whitepaper, developed in collaboration with industry author Lisa Harrington, gives you the insight to identify and understand your current supply chain vulnerabilities.

Based on the latest industry trends, learn the hallmarks of lean and resilient supply chains. Join businesses asking ‘What if’, to build a strategy that can help make your supply chain more resilient.

We hope you enjoy the white paper.
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Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to explore the concepts shared in more detail.
1. Lisa H. Harrington, Sandor Boyson and Thomas Corsi, X-SCM: The New Science of X-treme Supply Chain Management, Routledge, 2010.
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